How do you know if your non-toxic lifestyle is actually doing anything? Cue in the Creating Balanced Health full scan.
I remember the first time I got asked that question… Other than feeling better health, more empowerment and more joy, I didn’t have a clear-cut answer. Of course, you will find out through your health care practitioner and annual medical check-ups.
But now, with the Creating Balanced Health full scan, I found an ongoing way to monitor my health on various levels against the lifestyle choices I make. In this video, I walk you through the process of submitting for a full scan.
Of course, the full scan test results are not meant to replace conventional treatment and testing. They provide you with additional information about your health status in a holistic way. Let me explain…
First, it’s important to note that I am not in any way qualified to interpret these results so I’m just going to show you and share some thoughts but don’t interpret it as any kind of medical advice. Once you receive your Creating Balanced Health test results you want to book a consultation with a qualified health practitioner to delve deeper into what this all means.
(You can also watch my video explaining the results of my Creating Balanced Health full scan.)
Energetic system performance
In this section, you see what systems of your body are stressed. Ideally, you want all of these at 100%.
I’m doing pretty good with most of my systems but, not surprisingly, where I have work to do is my endocrine, lymph and immune system.
I suspected my lymph and immune systems were weak and it’s so validating to see these results. We are more in tune with our bodies than we think. I hope this encourages you to listen to your body because your body leaves clues.
What’s neat about this is you can click on the system and it will give you an explanation. So if you’re not sure what your endocrine system is comprised of, a definition will appear:
“The endocrine system is made up of glands that secrete hormones. Hormones are released into the bloodstream where they travel to tissue and generate a response. Hormones regulate metabolism, development, function, sleep, and mood. The glands that make up the endocrine system include the pineal, thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, parathyroid, pancreas, ovaries, and testes. These glands produce hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, estrogen, insulin, progesterone, testosterone, and adrenalin.”
Then in the notes at the bottom, it gives you a more detailed summary of the most significantly stressed systems. For me it’s:
- thyroid and thymus
- pituitary and pineal glands
- teeth and jaw drainage
Some of the points of the body driving this down are:
- hypothalamus
- sinuses
- ear drainage
- spleen
Energetic sensitivities to food
Things gets really interesting in this section.
Ok, that’s fine. I have energetic sensitivities to alcohol, flours and sugars. Those are things I try to avoid regardless (except for the red wine).
I was disappointed to see soy, tofu and peanuts – even though they are common allergens. Since transitioning to a vegan-style way of eating, they’ve made up a larger part of my diet. Time to re-evaluate…
The good news is, as you strengthen your body’s systems and go further on your non-toxic lifestyle journey, these sensitivities can go away. So it’s not just about avoidance, it’s about supporting your body in getting healthier and stronger.
Sensitivities came up to mold and pollen, which weren’t surprising to me. I’ve been dealing with seasonal allergies for about 20 years now and one of my big goals with the non-toxic lifestyle and detoxifying through food is to eliminate my seasonal allergies altogether.
Energetic nutritional imbalances
Here, you find out what your nutritional imbalances are. It even lists food sources for all of your nutritional imbalances so you can make sure to start including more of these in your diet.
Seeing the enzyme section has motivated me to be more diligent about taking my enzyme supplement consistently. This can also be addressed through food choices but, since there’s a notable weakness, I’m going to do both food and supplementation.
I’ve been a huge advocate for magnesium. It helped me address a number of things so I found it interesting to see it appear in my results.
And not surprising to see B12 here given I’ve removed all animal products…
Energetic toxins
I was really looking forward to the information in this section but I only got very high-level results that don’t say much. So that was definitely disappointing.
This is where the consultation comes into play and where the detailed results are given to a qualified health care practitioner to avoid any misinterpretation. So once I get around to that, I’ll know more.
Energetic Hormonal Imbalances
This section here provides more insights into my thyroid weakness. You can see most of my hormone imbalances are thyroid-related.
At the end of the Creating Balanced Health full scan results, supplements are listed for your consideration based on your particular weaknesses and imbalances.
To learn more about my health approach and how to master your mindset for better health, check out Lead Your Health or MEI4H.
Your turn to get a Creating Balanced Health full scan
Curious to know your imbalances and weaknesses? You can use my coupon codes to save on Creating Balanced Health scans.
When ordering a full scan, use coupon code “rustikhealth” to get $20 off.
When ordering a subscription package, use coupon code “rustikhealthsub” to get $5 off each monthly payment.
Visit the Creating Balanced Health website.
To your health,
PS – Come get to know me by joining my free Facebook community The Health + Mindset Collective.
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