Back-to-school time can be exciting, stressful and more challenging on your family’s health.
I remember as a kid being excited to see my friends after summer break but also being super scared I would fail this new grade. And now I get to relive ALL of these anxieties through my own children.
Luckily, I feel super well-equipped to deal with this time of year thanks to the plant-based tools we always have on hand in our household – and you can too!
There are definitely lots more essential oil options… but here are my top 10 faves for back-to-school:
I hate to admit this but we are MUCH more lenient with bed time during the summer months. That means, when September rolls around and the alarm clocks are set, the morning grumpiness meter tends to skyrocket.
Cheer, a pre-mixed essential oil blend, is one of my favourite oils to diffuse in the morning to enhance our moods (2-3 drops). You will want to ideally get this running 30 minutes before everyone wakes up.
Add a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil with your Cheer blend to also boost energy and wakefulness.
On Guard
Do your kids, like ours, also come home with all of the germs and sniffles at the beginning of the school year?
We fight that by diffusing 5-6 drops of On Guard, a pre-mixed essential oil blend, in the evenings. The chemical make-up of this blend provides powerful germ-fighting activity by helping to cleanse the air.
If you love the smell of cinnamon, orange and cloves, you will absolutely LOVE diffusing this blend! It is both comforting and festive.
Tea Tree
Ok, you might be like a lot of people and not particularly enjoy this smell. It can seem medicinal or remind you too much of cleaning products.
But tea tree essential oil is a great anti-microbial and support to the immune system. I disperse 2-3 drops in my son’s evening bath as a preventative measure.
I honestly believe EVERYONE should always have a bottle of tea tree essential oil in their home.
In Tune
This is actually one of the first essential oils I ever bought when I started introducing essential oils into my non-toxic lifestyle.
We got feedback from my son’s teacher that he was having a hard time focusing in class… so, like I always do, I asked myself what essential oil could support him through this and did some research.
To this day, I roll this blend on the back of my son’s neck on school days and especially before we do homework.
Kids Collection
These last six oils are pre-mixed essential oil blends conveniently packaged in roller bottles and specifically designed for children.
These are a lifesaver for any parent. They cover the big items kids deal with:
- Stronger – to help prevent illness (the kid’s version of On Guard).
- Calmer – to help unwind at the end of the day or manage difficult emotions.
- Steady – to help stay grounded and keep balanced.
- Rescuer – for playground + gym class “ouchies” and tension.
- Brave – to reduce anxiety and promote courage + confidence.
- Thinker – to remain on task + focused and promote clarity + alertness.
Roll these oils along the spine or under the feet daily, picking the blend best-suited to the situation.
You don’t have to “tough it out” or just “hope for the best” this back-to-school season. You CAN empower yourself and be that “annoying” parent whose kid just flows through childhood challenges like a champ.
Trust me, it’s fun 😉
Get the oils you need for your family here, and join the Rustik Health community to save 25% on all your purchases by clicking “Become a Member” then “Wholesale Customer”.