Before I quit drinking coffee, I used to be an avid consumer. I still remember the taste and the subsequent buzz!
It started with one small coffee in the morning… then progressed to a medium and a large. After that, a second small one in the early afternoon. And then that small one became a medium one, etc.
At that point, the negative symptoms set in. I became dependent on the increased energy and ritual. Until I finally quit!
Learn more about it in my video or read on below.
One day, I got fed up with the negative symptoms I felt when drinking coffee. The perks I was getting from drinking it couldn’t compensate for what it was doing to my body.
There are 5 specific reasons why I quit coffee.
Reason #1: Anxiety
I went through several years of anxiety and panic attacks. The coffee definitely didn’t help with this, giving me a racing heart and shakiness.
Reason #2: Addiction
There was no doubt I was addicted to coffee. The cravings… the withdrawal headaches… I tried quitting once before and ended up relapsing.
Reason #3: Adrenals
Once I gained a better understanding of how important our adrenals are, and that coffee doesn’t do them good, I found another reason to give it up.
Reason #4: Toxins
As a non-toxic lifestyle proponent, it just made sense to quit burdening my body with this toxic brew. Even organic coffee contains acrylamide from the fact that the beans are roasted.
Reason #5: Acid
Coffee is an acidic substance, which can cause your bones to lose calcium. Plus, acid burns. As part of other health improvements I implemented, I removed coffee and focused on alkalizing foods.
Finally, when my mindset shifted to wanting to take my power back in all areas of my life, it just made sense to release the control coffee had over me.
These are the reasons why I quit drinking coffee. Now I occasionally have coffee but it is out of DESIRE instead of need.
What is your relationship with coffee?
PS – Learn how to take your power back in my 5-week program Lead Your Health.